Benno Brucksch is working as a speculative designer, artistic researcher, critical maker, hardware hacker, and educator. He is a founding member of the collective, which explores and teaches the possibilities and limitations of 3D printing with ceramics. Furthermore, he is part of the Fabmobil Crew, whose aim is to bring creative and digital tools and the skills to imagine new futures to teenagers and young people living in rural areas of Saxony.
Using design to create immersive installations, alternative ways to interact with data, prototypes for possible future narratives, and experimenting with new ways of manufacture, Benno works at the intersection of craft and design. He challenges the binary divide of the digital and physical worlds by weaving them together. Since 2018 Benno runs his own Studio. Some of his clients are Moritz Simon Geist, Retune Creative Technology GmbH, The Constitute, and Rosenthal GmbH.
Since 2018, Benno has taught in various design and art-related fields. He has been a visiting lecturer at the University of Arts UFG Linz, the Braunschweig University of Art, the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle, the Academy of Fine Arts HGB Leipzig, the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, the Berlin University of the Arts UdK, and the Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW.
He studied Industrial Design at the Burg Giebichenstein (B.A. 2018), Product Design at ArtEZ Arnhem (Erasmus), and Coop Design Research at the University of Applied Sciences Anhalt Department of Architecture and the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation in cooperation with the Cluster of Excellence "Matters of Activity" at the Humboldt University Berlin (M.Sc. 2022).
09/2023 to 02/2024
Lecturer, Digital Materials, Department Fashion and Technology (Prof. Ute Ploier), University of Arts UFG Linz (AT)
Workshop, Clay Printing, with Valena Ammon, Department of Design in the Digital Society (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Glatzel), Braunschweig University of Art (DE)
Workshop, Ceramic Lab, Department Studium Digitale, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
Lecturer, Blender Introduction, Department Studium Digitale, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
Lecturer, Clay Printing, Department Media Art (Prof. Fabian Hesse and Prof. Mitra Wakil), Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig HGB (DE)
Workshop, Clay Printing meets Marble, with Valena Ammon, Department Material Driven Design (Prof. Aart van Bezooijen), Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (IT)
Lecturer, Hack the Baumarkt, Department Strategic Product and Concept Development (Prof. Guido Englich), Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
09/2022 to 02/2023
Lecturer, Digital Materials, Department Fashion and Technology (Prof. Ute Ploier), University of Arts UFG Linz (AT)
Staff training, Clay Printing, with Valena Ammon, Department Studium Digitale, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
Workshop, Matrjoschka X Clay Printing, Department Studium Digitale, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
Workshop, Clay Printing,with Valena Ammon, Department Studium Digitale, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
Lecturer, Flexibility and Elasticity with 3D Prints, Department Strategic Product and Concept Development (Prof. Guido Englich), Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
09/2021 to 02/2022
Lecturer, Digital Materials, Department Fashion and Technology (Prof. Ute Ploier), University of Arts UFG Linz (AT)
Staff training, Clay Printing, Department Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts AdBK Nuremberg (DE)
Lecturer, Clay Printing Lab, Institute of Space and Design (Prof. Ute Ploier), University of Arts UFG Linz (AT)
01/2021 to 07/2021
Lecturer, Digital Materials, Department Fashion and Technology (Prof. Ute Ploier), University of Arts UFG Linz (AT)
Lecturer, Beeing Critical, Department Design Methods and Experimentation (Prof. Christian Zöllner), Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
Workshop, Clay Printing, Department "Qualitätspakt Lehre", Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
03/2020 to 07/2020
Workshop, Digital Prototyping, Department IDK „Entwerfen und Entwickeln“ (Prof. Axel Kufus), Berlin University of the Arts UdK (DE)
10/2019 to 02/2020
Workshop, Physical Computing, Department IDK „Entwerfen und Entwickeln“ (Prof. Axel Kufus), Berlin University of the Arts UdK (DE)
Workshop, Clayprinting X Museum Archive, in co-operation with Museum der Kulturen Basel, Department Hyperwerk Process Design (Prof. Max Spielmann), Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW (CH)
Essay 'Attaching as Active Practice' and Exhibition, Re-coding everyday Technology Vol. 1, LUX Pavillon Mainz (DE)
Nomination, 'German Design Award 2024 – Newcomer', German Design Council (DE)
Panel Discussion, 'Design Acts—Gestures of Performative Research', Study Rooms, Bauhaus Dessau (DE)
Exhibition, 'Pop-Up Formbar', Dynamo Jugendkulturhaus Zürich (CH)
Exhibition, 'Engaging with Dirt', Study Rooms, Bauhaus Dessau (DE)
Nomination and Exhibition, 'Purmundus Challenge', Formnext 2021 Frankfurt (DE)
09/2021 to 12/2021
Exhibition, 'SOLUM – Über Böden und Erdhorizonte', SustainLab, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
Nomination, 'German Design Graduates 2020', Category Design Research, German Design Council (DE)
Nomination and Exhibition, 'Justus Brinckmann Förderpreis 2019', Museum of Art and Design MKG Hamburg (DE)
Nomination and Exhibition, 'Lucky Strike Junior Designer Award 2019', Raymond Loewy Foundation Hamburg (DE)
Nomination and Exhibition, 'Giebichenstein Designpreis', Saxony-Anhalt Arts Foundation and Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
03/2019 to 10/2019
Exhibition, 'Reine Formsache', Designlab, Porzellanikon – Staatliches Museum für Porzellan Selb (DE)
Nomination and Exhibition, '14. Westerwaldpreis', Keramikmuseum Westerwald Selb (DE)
Award and Exhibition, 'Talente Preis 2019', IHM Handwerk und Design München (DE)
09/2018 to 12/2018
Exhibition, 'New Urban Production', Halle 14, Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig (DE)
Nomination and Exhibition, Giebichenstein Designpreis, Saxony-Anhalt Arts Foundation and Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
Exhibition, 'BurgRoadShow', Internationale Möbelmesse IMM Cologne (DE)
Exhibition, 'BurgRoadShow', DutchDesignWeek 2017, Eindhoven (NL)
12/2017 to 02/2019
Exhibition, Contribution to the Permanent exhibition, Stadtmuseum Halle (DE)
Special Award and Exhibition, Giebichenstein Designpreis, Saxony-Anhalt Arts Foundation and Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
Main Award and Exhibition, 'Make Me Competition 2017', Lodz Design Festival (PL)
since 10/2019
Freelancer, Studio Benno Brucksch, Halle (DE)
since 10/2019
Freelancer at Fabmobil e.V., Dresden (DE)
since 10/2019
Cofounder of, Halle (DE)
02/2020 to 04/2020
Internship, Jongeriuslab Design Studio, Berlin (DE)
01/2016 to 04/2016
Internship, Designstudio The Constitute, Berlin (DE)
10/2021 bis 09/2022
M.Sc. Coop Design Research, Thesis 'Attaching and being Attached – A Participatory Approach to Exploring the Modalities of RFID Technology in the Context of Personal Use', HS Anhalt, Bauhausstiftung Dessau, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (DE)
09/2018 bis 02/2019
Ersamus Produkt Design (BA), ArtEZ University of the Arts Arnhem (NL)
06/2018 bis 09/2022
Scholarship from the 'Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes'
10/2014 to 09/2019
B.A. Industrial Design, Thesis 'Tangible Tags – Mnemonic Interfaces to associate Information', Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
Benno Brucksch is working as a speculative designer, artistic researcher, critical maker, hardware hacker, and educator. He is a founding member of the collective, which explores and teaches the possibilities and limitations of 3D printing with ceramics. Furthermore, he is part of the Fabmobil Crew, whose aim is to bring creative and digital tools and the skills to imagine new futures to teenagers and young people living in rural areas of Saxony.
Using design to create immersive installations, alternative ways to interact with data, prototypes for possible future narratives, and experimenting with new ways of manufacture, Benno works at the intersection of craft and design. He challenges the binary divide of the digital and physical worlds by weaving them together. Since 2018 Benno runs his own Studio. Some of his clients are Moritz Simon Geist, Retune Creative Technology GmbH, The Constitute, and Rosenthal GmbH.
Since 2018, Benno has taught in various design and art-related fields. He has been a visiting lecturer at the University of Arts UFG Linz, the Braunschweig University of Art, the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle, the Academy of Fine Arts HGB Leipzig, the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, the Berlin University of the Arts UdK, and the Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW.
He studied Industrial Design at the Burg Giebichenstein (B.A. 2018), Product Design at ArtEZ Arnhem (Erasmus), and Coop Design Research at the University of Applied Sciences Anhalt Department of Architecture and the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation in cooperation with the Cluster of Excellence "Matters of Activity" at the Humboldt University Berlin (M.Sc. 2022).
since 10/2019
Freelancer, Studio Benno Brucksch, Halle (DE)
since 10/2019
Freelancer at Fabmobil e.V., Dresden (DE)
since 10/2019
Cofounder of, Halle (DE)
02/2020 to 04/2020
Internship, Jongeriuslab Design Studio, Berlin (DE)
01/2016 to 04/2016
Internship, Designstudio The Constitute, Berlin (DE)
09/2023 to 02/2024
Lecturer, Digital Materials, Department Fashion and Technology (Prof. Ute Ploier), University of Arts UFG Linz (AT)
Workshop, Clay Printing, with Valena Ammon, Department of Design in the Digital Society (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Glatzel), Braunschweig University of Art (DE)
Workshop, Ceramic Lab, Department Studium Digitale, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
Lecturer, Blender Introduction, Department Studium Digitale, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
Lecturer, Clay Printing, Department Media Art (Prof. Fabian Hesse and Prof. Mitra Wakil), Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig HGB (DE)
Workshop, Clay Printing meets Marble, with Valena Ammon, Department Material Driven Design (Prof. Aart van Bezooijen), Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (IT)
Lecturer, Hack the Baumarkt, Department Strategic Product and Concept Development (Prof. Guido Englich), Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
09/2022 to 02/2023
Lecturer, Digital Materials, Department Fashion and Technology (Prof. Ute Ploier), University of Arts UFG Linz (AT)
Staff training, Clay Printing, with Valena Ammon, Department Studium Digitale, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
Workshop, Matrjoschka X Clay Printing, Department Studium Digitale, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
Workshop, Clay Printing,with Valena Ammon, Department Studium Digitale, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
Lecturer, Flexibility and Elasticity with 3D Prints, Department Strategic Product and Concept Development (Prof. Guido Englich), Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
09/2021 to 02/2022
Lecturer, Digital Materials, Department Fashion and Technology (Prof. Ute Ploier), University of Arts UFG Linz (AT)
Staff training, Clay Printing, Department Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts AdBK Nuremberg (DE)
Lecturer, Clay Printing Lab, Institute of Space and Design (Prof. Ute Ploier), University of Arts UFG Linz (AT)
01/2021 to 07/2021
Lecturer, Digital Materials, Department Fashion and Technology (Prof. Ute Ploier), University of Arts UFG Linz (AT)
Lecturer, Beeing Critical, Department Design Methods and Experimentation (Prof. Christian Zöllner), Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
Workshop, Clay Printing, Department "Qualitätspakt Lehre", Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
03/2020 to 07/2020
Workshop, Digital Prototyping, Department IDK „Entwerfen und Entwickeln“ (Prof. Axel Kufus), Berlin University of the Arts UdK (DE)
10/2019 to 02/2020
Workshop, Physical Computing, Department IDK „Entwerfen und Entwickeln“ (Prof. Axel Kufus), Berlin University of the Arts UdK (DE)
Workshop, Clayprinting X Museum Archive, in co-operation with Museum der Kulturen Basel, Department Hyperwerk Process Design (Prof. Max Spielmann), Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW (CH)
10/2021 bis 09/2022
M.Sc. Coop Design Research, Thesis 'Attaching and being Attached – A Participatory Approach to Exploring the Modalities of RFID Technology in the Context of Personal Use', HS Anhalt, Bauhausstiftung Dessau, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (DE)
09/2018 bis 02/2019
Ersamus Produkt Design (BA), ArtEZ University of the Arts Arnhem (NL)
06/2018 bis 09/2022
Scholarship from the 'Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes'
10/2014 to 09/2019
B.A. Industrial Design, Thesis 'Tangible Tags – Mnemonic Interfaces to associate Information', Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
Awards and Exhibitions
Essay 'Attaching as Active Practice' and Exhibition, Re-coding everyday Technology Vol. 1, LUX Pavillon Mainz (DE)
Nomination, 'German Design Award 2024 – Newcomer', German Design Council (DE)
Panel Discussion, 'Design Acts—Gestures of Performative Research', Study Rooms, Bauhaus Dessau (DE)
Exhibition, 'Pop-Up Formbar', Dynamo Jugendkulturhaus Zürich (CH)
Exhibition, 'Engaging with Dirt', Study Rooms, Bauhaus Dessau (DE)
Nomination and Exhibition, 'Purmundus Challenge', Formnext 2021 Frankfurt (DE)
09/2021 to 12/2021
Exhibition, 'SOLUM – Über Böden und Erdhorizonte', SustainLab, Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
Nomination, 'German Design Graduates 2020', Category Design Research, German Design Council (DE)
Nomination and Exhibition, 'Justus Brinckmann Förderpreis 2019', Museum of Art and Design MKG Hamburg (DE)
Nomination and Exhibition, 'Lucky Strike Junior Designer Award 2019', Raymond Loewy Foundation Hamburg (DE)
Nomination and Exhibition, 'Giebichenstein Designpreis', Saxony-Anhalt Arts Foundation and Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
03/2019 to 10/2019
Exhibition, 'Reine Formsache', Designlab, Porzellanikon – Staatliches Museum für Porzellan Selb (DE)
Nomination and Exhibition, '14. Westerwaldpreis', Keramikmuseum Westerwald Selb (DE)
Award and Exhibition, 'Talente Preis 2019', IHM Handwerk und Design München (DE)
09/2018 to 12/2018
Exhibition, 'New Urban Production', Halle 14, Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig (DE)
Nomination and Exhibition, Giebichenstein Designpreis, Saxony-Anhalt Arts Foundation and Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
Exhibition, 'BurgRoadShow', Internationale Möbelmesse IMM Cologne (DE)
Exhibition, 'BurgRoadShow', DutchDesignWeek 2017, Eindhoven (NL)
12/2017 to 02/2019
Exhibition, Contribution to the Permanent exhibition, Stadtmuseum Halle (DE)
Special Award and Exhibition, Giebichenstein Designpreis, Saxony-Anhalt Arts Foundation and Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle (DE)
Main Award and Exhibition, 'Make Me Competition 2017', Lodz Design Festival (PL)